Thursday 21 August 2014


I guess i should start up a contract company with every service providers in our Country.The most annoying things i go through to enjoy services and products in my country sometimes leave me wondering and cursing the managers and owners of these places.So below is yet another contract i would love to sign with SOME of our local supermarkets due to these 5 annoying things in the supermarkets!!
Top on my list it had to be!!Sweets in place of coins!!First of all i would love to meet the guy who came up with the idea of giving customers sweets in place of coins!!!Im left wondering whether if i went up to the same teller with sweets to fill up the amount needed to buy something,whether they’ll actually take them.And the cruelty that is written on their faces as they hand you the sweets(cheap sweets) and look the other way or gesture the next person!!Damn it!!!Some of us don’t chew sweets!!Cheap sweets to be more exact!!Give Eclairs if you must.Get coins or change the prices on your products to suit your clients.Better yet,have someone walk around town and exchange coins from our beggars with you.
I walk into a supermarket after work when every one else is shopping and i just want to buy a bottle of cold soda and bread for my family because every time mum buys bread from our local ka shop i complain of the poor quality and taste.And the only way to shut me up,mum tells me to drop by the supermarket and bring bread with me home.So im there queuing up with the family size bread and my kasoda. Right in front of me is this woman who has this big trolley full of household staff and she makes me lose all hope of reaching the teller,I look aside at the next line and Jesus!!!There is a guy,God bless him,with anaa trolley full of groceries!!Lord Jesus,i finally bump into a Nairobi man who shops for groceries!!I just stick to my queue because the last time i shifted lines,the one i had left started moving and 3 people were served before i was SMH!..i am the impatient woman,i sometimes wonder whether ill wait up for my baby for 9 dreadful months!!!Wish some would pop out earlier but then again i was created a woman so i have to exercise patience anyway.So the impatience in me keeps growing and in my mind im thinking of how the matatus will keep hiking the fare with every minute that passes and im afraid ill use up all money with me before i get attended to.Damn it!!Fill in your tellers or hire me i have some accounting knowledge!!!!And especially in the evenings when everyone is shopping!!
There is a particular supermarket that has very peculiar staff who always have no idea what you are asking for or who tell you they do not have that item in stock!!Better yet,they walk away from you when they see you approaching them with a question!!Ngai!!i feel irritated and i want to run after them and pull them back to their work station and ask my damn question!!!!!!If your staff do not know where this item is,Fire them or train them or assign each to a particular line of items.Have one or two at the groceries,one at the toiletries,another at the beverages ans so on!!!I don’t have to walk round the whole supermarket looking for wet wipes that have been placed in the rice section by yet another uninformed staff!!Again have your staff know what all items are for and what their names are!!Like i once asked for ‘simsim’ and this poor lady told me ‘hatuna hiyo madam’ only to find them at the choclate section right behind her after i was directed by another customer!!Almost hit her with them arggghhh.
Place all items at their respective price tag!!!I go and pick up my favourite Vaseline cocoa butter lotion placed on top of a Ksh300 price tag only to be surpised by the bar code reader with a price of Ksh350!!that fifty bob was my next day’s fare to work and because i couldnt go without lotion lest i looked like our guys who don’t use any lotion,i had to rush to the ATM to withdraw some cash!!So please ensure the prices reading on the shelves are the same prices the barcode reader will detect!!
Can all tellers be warned tat they are paid to serve me!!Feels like hitting or throwing things at them when all they can do is talk and laugh as they serve us thinking how good of multitaskers they are only to slow down the operation!!Work people ,we are a working nation,we shall talk after work damn it!!

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